Content is an extremely important marketing tool in today’s technological world. If correctly constructed, your content copy has the ability to draw in millions of new site visitors; it has the power to create new relationships or build on previous ones with existing customers. Your content can identify your company values,give your business a voice, and connect with individuals on multiple levels.Having an idea of what makes effective and appealing content can greatly improve business and conversion for your site.

When writing copy for your company it is important to always start with the most important pieces of information. Websites have just a few moments to grab a visitor’s attention.Appealing site design is helpful but you also need to make sure that your website is saying something immediately. Your copy needs to be captivating from the beginning, drawing in site visitors by addressing their needs and wants. Your goal with this initial copy is to have your customers keep reading so they can find out more about your products and services.


While writing copy it is also important to keep it broken up into smaller sections. In this digital age, it can be hard to keep readers’ attention and large paragraphs of text can seem overwhelming or like too much of a commitment. You should keep your copying sections throughout your site, starting with the most important information,and limit those sections to about 3-5 sentences. Chances are you will have a lot of visitors who will be scanning for the specific information they’re looking for. Keeping your content in sections makes it easier for your potential customers to quickly and efficiently obtain the information they need.


When search engine optimization (SEO) was first introduced, websites started over-saturating with key-words. This keyword-stuffing can become incomprehensible and customers are now able to see past it. Don’t focus on throwing in keyword after keyword to help your ranking, instead focus on valuable information that can quickly and efficiently inform your audience of what they want to know. Nothing can be more frustrating than a site that talks around the point without ever specifically addressing their actual products or services.


Using copy to captivate and keep visitors engaged is the first step to obtaining new customers and keeping previous ones. Next, you’ll want to make sure they interact with your site by asking for more information or moving on to make a purchase. This is why it is essential to utilize call-to-action. Every page on your site should have a call-to-action that helps guide customers into what to do next. Because the internet is filled with distractions, it is important to offer customers an easy way to move through your site and lead them into the next step of their relationship with your company.


Writing effective website copy can seem daunting but figuring out the right balance and understanding marketing strategies for your industry can be invaluable tools that are essential to your success. Although an appealing site design is important, it is content copy that provides vital information to your customers and can help build trust and interest. Learning more about writing effective copy can help your business move towards more sales and profits.